This program consists of 7 activities and 147 images.
Activity 1: “Iffy Thoughts” (13 slides) introduces you to a fun way of learning about annoying thoughts by thinking in idioms.
Activity 2: “Targeting Iffy Thoughts” (3 slides, 13 questions in each slide) you will try your hand at a game we call “Stop That Picture Part 1”. Here you will see swiftly moving pictures. It’s your job to stop each picture and match it to its title, definition and example.
Activity 3: “Witty Thoughts” (10 slides) shows you a fun way of learning about these thoughts by thinking in idioms.
Activity 4: “Targeting Witty Thoughts” (3 slides, 10 questions in each slide) revisits the game “Stop That Picture” but now uses witty instead of iffy thoughts (Part 2).
Activity 5: “Iffy and Witty Thoughts” (23 slides) you will guess the hidden thought title. This activity starts by guessing the type of thought (iffy or witty) and finishes with you guessing the thought title.
Activity 6: “More Iffy and Witty Thoughts” (7 slides, 8 questions in each slide) you will see how quickly you can go from an iffy to a witty thought. Be careful, you will need to spell the missing word quickly and correctly.
Activity 7: “Even More Iffy and Witty Thoughts” (25 slides) gives you an opportunity to put together everything you’ve learned. As you read various stories on such topics as: school, family, friends and more, notice the thoughts at the bottom of the page and choose the correct ones that best complete each sentence.