Supplementary fun activities to reinforce learned skills | On Second Thought: from Iffy to Witty Thoughts
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Game card instructions

Card Game Rules

Now that you have these colorfully illustrated cards, try your hand at these 3 games that put a twist on the old fashioned ones. Keep playing and over time, you will see how we are all just a thought away from changing our day.

Matching Game

Players: 2 or more

Goal: The player with the most pairs of exact matches wins

  • Hand out the list of Iffy and Witty Thoughts printout
  • Playing only with Iffy Thought cards, separate the 13 Iffy cards along with their duplicates for a total of 26 Iffy cards.
  • Shuffle the cards
  • Lay all the 26 cards face down on the table
  • Taking turns, each player will turn a card face up and try to find a second card that matches it
  • That player will read each card and it’s definition out loud
  • If it’s a match, the player holds on to the pair
  • If it’s not a match, the player turns both cards back to the face down position
  • Players continue in this fashion until all the pairs are found
  • The player with the most pairs wins
  • Repeat the above using the Witty Thought cards
  • Play the matching game again. This time, use 7 pair of Iffy Thought cards and 7 pair of Witty Thought cards from the deck
  • For the next round, add one additional pair to the deck of cards and place them on the table.
  • Continue this at the beginning of each round, until you have used all 46 cards from the deck

Challenging Pairs

Players: 2 or more

Goal: The player with the most amount of “challenging” pairs wins

  • Hand out the Go Challenge printout
  • Shuffle all of the cards and hand out 7 cards for 2 players and 5 cards for more than 2 players
  • Place the deck of cards on the table and turn the top card face up
  • All players look at the cards in their hands and at the printout
  • Now, Players will decide if they have any challenging pairs in their hands. If so, they place these pairs aside.
  • The player to the left of the dealer (the requestor) begins the game by looking at the face up card on the table, the printout and to the cards in his/her hand
  • If “the requestor” already has the challenging thought card in his/her hand, he/she has a “challenging” pair and places the two card to the side
  • If “the requestor” doesn’t have the challenging thought card, he/she asks another player for that card.
  • If the other player has the card, he/she must hand it over to the requestor
  • If the other player doesn’t have the card, “the requestor” has to pick a card from the deck
  • If the card picked challenges the face up card then the requestor sets aside the “challenging” pair. If not, the requestor adds the card to his hand
  • The turn moves to the next player
  • Continue in this fashion until there are no more cards in the deck.
  • The person with the most “challenging” pairs wins

Be carefull Sometimes two Iffy Thoughts share one Witty Thought answer and other times, one Iffy Thought has more than one possible Witty Thought answer

Guessing Game

Players: 2 or more

Goal: To collect the most thought cards

  • Hand out to all players, the Guessing Game print
  • Start by separating the Iffy from the Witty Thought cards.
  • Shuffle the 13 Iffy Thought cards (excluding duplicates)
  • Place the deck on the table
  • Each player will take a card and place it face down in front of him/her
  • The first player, without looking at his/her card, holds up his/her card and shows it to the other players
  • While holding up the card for other players to see, player 1 has a chance to ask up to 3 questions from the “Do I” column (on the printout) before taking a final guess from the “Am I” column (on the printout)
  • If the player guesses his/her card, he/she places the card to the side and picks a new card. All the players can all now cross that title off of their list (since there is only one set of cards in this round).
  • If the player doesn’t guess his/her card, he/she places the card in front of him (face down) and on his/her next turn he/she will ask 3 new questions and take a final guess.
  • The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins
  • Repeat the above with one set of the Witty Thought cards

Variations of the Guessing Game

  • Play the guessing game again. This time, shuffle both the Iffy and Witty Thought cards together. Then randomly deal out a total of 30 cards from the deck for a more challenging round.
  • For each round add on 2 cards at a time until you use all 46 cards

Considerations with the Guessing Game

*** Only for when you are using both the Iffy and Witty Thought cards together, you’re first question for a new card will be,“Am I Iffy or Witty”? Consider that one question and proceed to ask 2 more questions from the “Do I” column and a final guess from the “Am I” column. You’re following questions/guess for that card will continue as previously described.

Card Game Sheets

Matching Game

List of Iffy and Witty Thoughts

Iffy Thoughts Witty Thoughts
Play Up Come to One’s Senses
Play Down Earn Brownie Points
Twist Someone’s Words Collect One’s Thoughts
Jump Off the Deep End Go On a Fishing Expedition
Read Someone Like a Book Put Yourself in Someone’s Else’s Shoes
Paint Everyone With the Same Brush Tip the Scales
On Someone’s Back Strike a Balance
The Handwriting is On the Wall Cut Someone Some Slack
One Track Mind Burning Questions
Do a 180 It Takes Two to Tango
Lumping Everyone Together
Pass the Buck
Left Holding the Bag

Challenging Pairs

List of Iffy Thoughts Witty Thoughts that challenge them
Play Up Come to One’s Senses
Play Down Come to One’s Senses
Twist Someone’s Words Earn Brownie Points
Jump Off the Deep End Collect Your Thoughts
Paint Everyone With the Same Brush Go On a Fishing Expedition

Strike a Balance

Read Someone Like a Book Put Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes
The Handwriting is On the Wall Tip the Scales Go On a Fishing Expedition
One Track Mind Come to One’s Senses

Tip the Scales

Go On a Fishing Expedition

Do a 180 Strike a Balance
On Someone’s Back Cut Someone Some Slack
Lumping Everyone Together Burning Questions

Come to One’s Senses

Pass the Buck It Takes Two to Tango
Left Holding the Bag It Takes Two to Tango

Guessing Game

Iffy Thoughts

Do I . . . Am I the Iffy Thought. . .
think that my problem is worse than it really is? Play Up
think that my achievements are no big deal? Play Down
deny myself praise from others Twist Someone’s Words
base my thinking on negative feelings Jump Off the Deep End
with little information, use words like all, always or never to form an opinion Paint Everyone With the Same Brush
believe that someone is thinking negatively about me Read Someone Like a Book
think the outcome will be negative The Handwriting is On the Wall
think over and over about a negative thought One Track Mind
think with extreme words Do a 180
use demanding words on myself and/or others On Someone’s Back
attach a negative label to myself and/or others based on an experience Lumping Everyone Together
pass the blame on to someone else Pass the Buck
take all of the blame Left Holding the Bag

Witty Thoughts

Do I . . . Am I the Witty Thought. . .
use my senses to think more clearly about a situation Come to One’s Senses
give myself credit for my efforts Earn Brownie Points
ask myself, “What am I thinking?” Collect One’s Thoughts
believe that more evidence leads to wittier thinking Go On a Fishing Expedition
ask myself what someone else might think about a situation Put Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes
believe that my behavior influences the outcome Tip the Scales
use less extreme words Strike a Balance
use less demanding words such as maybe and perhaps Cut Someone Some Slack
ask the questions, who, what, when and where to determine why Burning Questions
believe that in any given situation, at least 2 people share responsibility It Takes Two to Tango