Dr. Busto - NYS Licensed and Certified School Psychologist
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About Dr. Busto

Helping children form a positive foundation for the future.

Dr. Busto is a psychologist licensed in New York State and is certified as a school psychologist. She has been employed in Farmingdale School District since 1997 where, in addition to her job description, she trains both masters and doctoral level students as part of their internship experience.

Since 2002, Dr. Busto has maintained a private practice with offices in both the north and south shores of Long Island, New York. Dr. Busto earned her B.A. in Psychology and her Psy.D. in School/Community Psychology both from Hofstra University. In between time, she has earned her M.S. in School Psychology from St. John’s University.

Having graduated from programs that emphasize the benefits of learning cognitive behavioral skills, Dr. Busto decided to create a way to deliver said skills to children. Given the complexity of the task, Dr. Busto has collaborated with Paula Busto. Paula Busto earned a M.S. in education and also completed formal study in school counseling at C.W. Post College.

With 22 years of public teaching experience on both the elementary and secondary levels combined with Dr. Busto’s education and work history, they constructed a program called, “On Second Thought: From Iffy to Witty Thoughts”.

You really are just a thought away from changing your day!