Testimonials by experts in the field of mental health
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Read what other professionals are saying about the program.

On Second Thought: From Iffy to Witty Thoughts - Complete Smart Board Program

“One of the challenges in the delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to children is finding ways to educate them about the basic principles in emotion regulation in a user-friendly manner.  The On Second Thought : From Iffy to Witty Thoughts (OST) program is a highly interactive, well-structured program that is developmentally appropriate and provides many fun, hands-on experiences that teach and reinforce the core principles of CBT to better assist students.  The program is easy to follow and implement and can easily be applied in the home, a school or clinical setting.”

Mark D. Terjesen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
St. John’s University
Past-President (2015), Division of International Psychology (Division 52), American Psychological Association
Treasurer (2014-2016), School Psychology Division (Division 16), American Psychological Association

“There is a need for structured materials in the field that are designed to support clinicians in providing psychoeducation about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) concepts to children. The On Second Thought: From Iffy to Witty Thoughts (OST) program adapted the CBT principles and skills that are supported in the literature in a kid-friendly manner. In addition to the several social emotional benefits found in the pilot study of the OST program, delivery via SMART Technology was particularly engaging and motivating to children.”

Stephanie Schwartz, Psy.D.
Associate Psychologist at the Child Mind Institute and
NYS Licensed Psychologist

“Dr. Teresa Busto and Paula Busto’s On Second Thought From Iffy to Witty Thoughts is an essential tool for any professional teaching cognitive behavioral principles to children. It shows the cognitive process in a fun, creative, and interactive way. Important theories are taught through colorful pictures, interesting examples and stories allowing children to gain a true understanding of the concepts woven into the lessons.

Dr. Busto has figured out how to comprehensively walk her audience through all the essential steps in this process; including how our thoughts influence our feelings and behaviors, recognizing cognitive distortions, how distorted thoughts make us feel and ultimately, how to change our thoughts from distorted to accurate or “iffy” to “witty”.”

Jessie Poveromo, Psy. D.
Licensed Psychologist/Director
New York Cognitive Therapy and Wellness Center

“The so commonly used concept of Cognitive Behavioral Principles; in revealing it’s complicated and cumbersome face in such a playful, colorful and “witty” way, is making it challenging for the facilitator although seemingly interesting and meaningful for the child.

This is certainly a different multidimensional approach that implements, visual, cognitive and executive skills.  I wish Dr. Busto and Mrs. Busto much success with their endeavor!”

Stelios Zodiatis, M.D.
Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist
Diplomate of American Board of Psychiatry

“Congratulations to Dr. Teresa Busto and Paula Busto for their new creative and highly innovative social emotional program adaptable to many age groups. This program is consistent with the CBT theory and practice of Dr.’s Ellis, Beck and Burns. The engaging graphics are both entertaining and informative and the program is suitable for individual, group, family and classroom applications.

This is one of the most novel programs I have seen in my 40 years of professional practice.”

Charles H. King, Ph.D., ABPP
Diplomate American Board of Professional Psychology (School)