23 Feb The Overlooked Connection: Too Much Sleep and Mental Health
Sleep is a crucial factor affecting emotional well-being and has been studied extensively. Although the adverse effects of insufficient sleep on mental health are well-known, the relationship between excessive sleep and mental illness is often ignored. By examining sleep patterns and any changes in them, mental health professionals can gain valuable insights into how to best support their patients through tailored interventions to address sleep hygiene.
Contrary to popular belief, excessive sleep is not always a sign of good rest or optimal mental health. Oversleeping has been associated with various mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Researchers (2013) suggest that the relationship between extended sleep duration and mental health issues may be bidirectional, creating a complex interplay between sleep and psychological well-being.
Excessive sleep is often linked to depressive disorders. An inherent characteristic of depression is the loss of personal drive, motivation, and energy. Increased somnolence may be a sign of worsening depression. Oversleeping may also be an adaptive practice for individuals with depression, finding solace in sleep as a form of escape or avoidance. While the intent is to manage the symptoms, excessive sleep may exacerbate the symptoms. One study in the Journal of Affective Disorders (2022) found that sleep duration was independently associated with a higher incidence of depression. The risk of depression was elevated not only from insufficient sleep but also from excessive sleep. Sleep patterns may offer valuable insight when evaluating clients for depression and help to guide treatment recommendations.
Bipolar Disorder:
Mental health professionals have long known that sleep disturbances are a hallmark of bipolar disorder and can be present even in the euthymic state. Individuals with bipolar disorder may experience extended periods of sleep during depressive episodes, followed by a decreased need for sleep during manic episodes. This sleep disturbance may extend beyond just the symptomatology of the disorder and may offer some causal insight into bipolar disorder. Research has established evidence that a disruption in circadian rhythms may be correlated with bipolar disorder, and a 2023 study identifies some potential genetic link to circadian rhythms and hypersomnia. Published in the Psychological Medicine (2017) journal, researchers identified that bipolar disorder is associated with high rates of sleep disturbance and abnormal circadian rhythms—the direction of causality between sleep and bipolar warrants continued research.
Addressing Excessive Sleep in Treatment:
The symptoms of sleep disturbance often persist despite treatment, which may contribute to an increased risk of relapse and recurrence. Epidemiological studies have highlighted that insomnia in nondepressed individuals acts as a precursor, increasing the risk of developing depression later on, highlighting the critical need for more effective management of sleep disturbances in depression. Holistic treatment of patients may enhance the quality of life and mitigate a significant factor in the recurrence and relapse of depressive episodes.
Mental health professionals should approach good sleep hygiene through the following steps:
1. Comprehensive Assessment: A thorough assessment that includes an in-depth exploration of sleep patterns is a priority for mental health professionals. Understanding the duration, quality, and consistency of sleep provides valuable insights into the client’s mental health and aids in formulating an effective treatment plan.
2. Psychoeducation on Sleep Hygiene: Educating clients about the importance of maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and practicing good sleep hygiene is essential. This includes creating a conducive sleep environment, limiting screen time before bedtime, and establishing a relaxing pre-sleep routine.
3. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-H): For clients struggling with both mental health issues and sleep disturbances, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Hyposomnia (CBT-H) can be a valuable intervention. CBT-H helps individuals identify and change negative sleep-related thoughts and behaviors, promoting healthier sleep patterns. Research (2020) suggests this treatment modality can improve sleep and overall quality of life.
Recognizing the link between excessive sleep and mental health is crucial for mental health professionals and can offer improved treatment outcomes through the implementation of effective interventions. By understanding the nuances of this relationship and implementing targeted interventions, clinicians can contribute to more comprehensive and effective treatment plans for their clients, ultimately promoting improved mental health and well-being.